Monday, September 28, 2009

Psychological Issues of Women in Sports

Nineteen seventy-two was the year woman's sports had a chance to make a push for themselves. However, this is also another factor that may cause women to psychological issues in their sport. Men, in history, have always been seeing as the more dominant of the two genders, and especially so in sports. Women have been seeing as inferior at sports they play that men play, as well. For instance, take the WNBA (Woman's National Basketball Association)- the women of the WNBA have always been put down by sport writers all over the nation. "They are physically inferior to compete with male NBA athletes, and do not have the ability to market to the average American male" - this is one of many things that the WNBA is criticized on. This type of lashing at women in sports can play a huge part on their psychological mindset. Causing them to also feel inferior, or, no mater how much they achieve, they will never be able to be as good as a male athlete.
Coming from another angle, female softball players are highly identified as being lesbian and "male" like. I believe these women play a very competitive, hard-nose sport, and are wrongly criticized for portraying the same competitive nature as males in their sports. A stereotype like this can do serious psychological damage to young girls around the world who may have an interest in this sport, or other sports of similar nature. There is not one girl out there who will be okay with being wrongly accused of being something they are not.

Tony P. Nu

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