Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Issues Regarding Physically Challenged Athletes

When we see someone who is physically challenged, you can't but feel bad for the person. Often times we don't think that physically challenged people can play sports. However, physically challenged people can play sports and for anyone who doesn't believe they can is just ignorant. Physically challenged athletes have to deal with more disadvantages; not only physically but mentally as well.

Physically challenged athletes deal with many external factors regarding ability in sports. Many questions such as what is this person capable of accomplishing or can you actually handle the challenge? Many people do not realize that physically challenged athletes are mentally tougher than some average able bodied athletes. If you think about it, the disadvantages that these athletes had gone through has made them stronger mentally than able bodied athletes. For some physically challenged athletes, the easiest thing to do is just give up. But with events like the Special Olympics and wheelchair basketball, there is no reason why physicall challenged athletes can't compete at a high level. Physically challenged athletes can accomplish things that able athletes can do.

Though physically there is a difference between able bodied and physically challenged athletes, mentally it is the same. All athletes face anxiety, stress, and other factors that can hinder their ability to perform. There is no reason to look down upon physically challenged athletes based on their appearance. They can accomplish and excel at their sport regardless of their disabilities. They are mental tougher in certain areas because of their experience and coping with their disabilities but all in all, they are athletes and they go through the same things that able bodied athletes go through.

- Brian Chan
KIN 339I
Mon 7PM

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