Friday, October 23, 2009

Supporting WNBA

The WNBA team, Detroit Shock made its move to Tulsa, Oklahoma this week because of issues with today's economy. A Shock veteran stated, “We understand it’s a business venture to take on a WNBA team. … The reason why we’re moving to Tulsa is that we didn’t obtain the necessary fans and revenue that we needed. This is a job. People are being hit by the recession and losing their jobs. We’re just thankful that there’s another city willing to take us.” She explains it's all a business and they have to move to where it's a better fit from a finacial standpoint. The Detroit Shock have won 3 championships in the past 12 seasons; 2003, 2006, 2008. The move is causing them to lose their "Shock faithful" or Shock fans. Most are angry and upset and still, i guess it fits to say 'shocked'. Even though this is a good move for the organization, how is it going to affect the players? They are going to have to start all over again in a new town with new people and fans trying to win their hearts and convince them that women can play basketball too and that they should come support them. Hopefully what will happen is the Oklahoma City Thunder fans will cross the gender line so to speak, and support the women's as well as the men's professional team.

M.L. KIN 339

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